For new users

Тема в разделе "Rules Of Forum", создана пользователем Charles Darwin, 2/5/14.

Внимание, вы находитесь на запасном форуме который не работает и не будет работать, он просто для общения на случай если основной не работает.не покупайте тут не у кого! Основной форум
  1. TS
    Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin Guest

    Welcome to

    -What you need to know to begin with?

    We - a legal platform for sellers and consumers who are interested in chemical substances and their derivatives.
    Here you can find reagents for research, Smoking mixes, various powders, constructors and pills.
    We want to Help You make the right choice and to be completely satisfied with their purchases.

    -System reviews

    Each new seller on our resource, should be required to give a test consignment of its products. At least 3 units of goods. The maximum is unlimited, only the ambitions of one who serves. Thus, people can try the proposed substance and write the seller report on its operation.
    This will Help, in turn, to other participants. To be convinced of the seriousness of the intentions of the person and to learn more about the effect of the proposed component.

    -The reputation system

    The site also presents the reputation system (+, -)that you can type your actions on the site. Whether it is a useful post, well written report, the opening theme. Act fairly and correctly, people will appreciate it. And your reputation will only grow! This will give you an unshakable authority and respect in the eyes of other community members.

    -Audited sellers

    This list is presented on our homepage in the beginning of the forum. Shops, which have repeatedly proved on our, or other familiar resources by their actions. That is because they were not seen "threw" and other serious mistakes in relation to its customers. To them no problem to apply without fear for their money and remain fully satisfied.

    There are shops with their own sites, and leading business directly through them. Be vigilant. This is also a section where anyone can open a branch.

    As for the other items additional description is not required, as all should be clear by their name.

    • Мне нравится Мне нравится x 3
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 2/5/14
  2. -Я-

    -Я- Местный житель

    I am writing through an interpreter ..
    I'm sorry for the mistakes,
    I want to know more ...
    You can - you try ???