Four arrested on suspicion of murder after man killed in Stratford-upon-Avon

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    Alejandro Местный житель

    Two men and two women held in police custody after 36-year-old man dies in daytime street assault near town’s Royal Shakespeare Theatre

    Warwickshire police said a 36-year-old man had died after he was assaulted near the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon. Photograph: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

    Four people have been arrested on suspicion of murder after a man died in a daytime street assault in Stratford-upon-Avon, police said.

    Warwickshire police said the attack occurred at around 4:15pm on Monday near the town’s Royal Shakespeare Theatre. Two men, aged 41 and 39, and two women, aged 37 and 26, are being held in police custody on suspicion of murder. Another 36-year-old man has been detained on suspicion of assault.

    Warwickshire police urged anyone with any information in relation to the attack to contact them. The road where the incident took place has reopened after police had sealed it off to carry out inquiries.

    A police spokesperson said: “The arrests are in relation to an assault on Arden Street at around 4.15pm yesterday. The victim, a 36-year-old man, who has not yet been formally identified, died at the scene following the assault.”

    A B&B owner on Arden Street, who did not wish to be named, told the Daily Mirror: “It all spilled over from this street up to the Birmingham Road.

    “I think the man was trying to get away but they chased him down and assaulted him very badly. It is very sad he has died.

    “There’s always a lot of tourists around here and no doubt some of them would have seen it – it’s not the best impression of Stratford we want to portray.

    “This sort of thing rarely happens and Stratford is generally a very safe town for people to come and enjoy.”